
A Year in Review in One Word: Momentum

June 22, 2021 | 2 MIN READ

by Matt Keil

Momentum Train representing business momentum

We recently wrapped up our fiscal year and while it was a challenging year in many respects, our business thrived. Even though we had instituted weekly (virtual) company all-hands to keep everyone abreast of the business (and connected), we had not realized the range of milestones achieved until we looked back collectively during our annual business review. Our achievements were across the board – customer growth, company expansion, new products and patents, and last but not least, we brought on a new investment partner. Taken collectively, they can be described in one word – momentum – which is critical to any business.

  • Customer growth: We nearly tripled our annual revenue and increased the number of brands protected by 425 per cent across 15 different countries.
    • Retail: Securing transactions for hundreds of retailers whose customers make up over 70 percent of the U.S. adult population.
    • Telecommunications: Protecting API-based transactions for more than 100 million customers.
    • Financial services: Delivering secure API transactions for digital banking providers who serve over 30 million users.
    • Online dating: Preventing romance fraud for nearly 70 million users.
  • Two billion API transactions protected daily: Threat actors ramped up their attack efforts with increasing sophistication and new service models to where we are now analyzing and protecting billions of transactions.
    2+ Billion API Transactions Protected Daily
  • Grew our global team by 33 per cent: New team members in nearly every department brought on board to help grow the business. We added field sales, threat research and support personnel in EMEA to support our international customers.
  • New patents and new products: Bolstering our unique AI-based approach to discovering and protecting APIs and web applications, we were granted four new patents. Our product portfolio grew with the addition of API Sentinel, which addresses the need to find and protect the many APIs being deployed globally.
  • Strategic investments: T-Mobile Ventures invested in the business, along with existing investors Dell Technologies and Shasta Ventures.

Each of these milestones are significant in their own right, but collectively, I think you would agree that they represent significant momentum moving forward. Can’t wait to see what the new fiscal year will bring.

Matt Keil


Matt Keil

Director of Product Marketing

Matt Keil focuses on product marketing and content creation. Previously, he spent nearly two decades in enterprise network security, including roles at Palo Alto Networks where he was instrumental in launching the company.

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